May 2008 Victory for Kadija
One in our ministry family has just graduated to the next level! Kadija
and all 7 of her children are now physically healthy, no longer
malnourished and all taking vitamins, and all the children are now in
school. Praise God for His faithfulness! Kadija, a former Muslim from
northern Kenya, has grown quickly in the Lord, in His understanding of the
Word, and of His Ways.
She recently visited northern Kenya for her son's circumcision (the
grandfather must be present to tie the removed foreskin with a piece of
the boy's hair) – a three-day journey, by the way, with one full day
sitting in the back of a truck. We prayed for wisdom before she left.
(Kadija was not afraid but I was! I was afraid she might be so passionate
for Jesus that she would be harmed!) But the grace of the Lord was with
her. A fully-covered Muslim woman (only her eyes showing behind her black
garment) ran up to her saying she knew Kadija was now a Christian and that
she, too, wanted to give her life to Jesus. This woman bravely said she
didn't care what her husband did to her – she just wanted Jesus in her
What a victory! Here Kadija has become whole enough that now her light for
Christ is shining to her own people, the Borana. Praise be to God!
We found a safe apartment in Bul-Bul (between Karen and Ngong town with a
picturesque view of Ngong Hills) for about $140/month. This town was
completely free of violence during the December, January, and February
killings and destruction, so the family will live in peace and security.
For now, we are continuing to pay for rent, food, school fees, and bus
fare until her business of selling second-hand clothes becomes
established. We're also teaching her about tithing 10%, saving 10%, and
using the remainder for necessary expenses. Next week we'll consider
helping her open a bank account.
We've moved our Wednesday Women's Prayer group to Kadija's new home and
already three new women join us.
"House of Hope" in Lodwar
The Lord has SERV Ministries International with 33 acres, primary school,
and living quarters for Turkana orphans. Don or Laura will be traveling
frequently to check on the building progress and orphans, as well as
training staff. SERV Ministries is leading a team in August.
Bible Study and Teaching
On Friday mornings, we've started studying Experiencing God: Knowing and
Doing the Will of God. Now that we've been here 2.5 years, we understand
more of the culture to adapt this study to a Kenyan perspective. Everyone
has commented how this Bible study is impacting their life and they are
eager to learn more.
Laura continues teaching in churches on Sundays and in Women's conferences
organized by Kenyan pastors.
Peace and Restoration
We've been blessed with pastors, prophets, and intercessors from over East
Africa come to our home for rest and renewal of their spirits. We continue
to provide our home for such servants of God. We've had three
pastors/prophets from Uganda and three pastors from Tanzania stay six days
for prayers, reflection, and rest after a mission in Tanzania. They also
began preparing for a mission to DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo). We've
also had a Kenyan pastor and intercessor stay for five days praying and
We are in the States June 2nd through August 12th, the longest time we've
spent in the States since living in Kenya! We're looking forward to
resting, spending time with family, and visiting churches and friends.
While we're gone, we're leaving our ministry in the very capable hands of
our ministry partners here in Kenya -- an administrator, community health
nurse, and a pastor. We'll be in constant contact with them through email
should problems arise.
If you'd like us to visit you or your church, email us at or