Wednesday, December 17, 2008

2009 Kenya Calendars are Ready!

Our 2009 original Kenya calendars and notecards are now available!

You can securely purchase calendars and notecards from our store.

Remember, profits contribute to the needs of single mothers, widows, their children, orphans, and the hungry and destitute of Kenya.

After each mission trip to the remote northwest outback of Lodwar, Kenya, missioners of SERV Ministries International enjoy a well-earned rest at the Maasai Mara. It is there that the Dickersons took the photographs found in the 2009 Calendar.

In buying one of the products shown on the shop page, you are contributing to the needs of single mothers, widows, their children, orphans, and the hungry and destitute of Kenya, where 500 children die each day of disease, starvation, and severe neglect.

In Christ's service,

Don and Laura Dickerson